29 August 2012

Pre-Transformers, Diaclone, Dinosaur Robo No.5 aka Swoop MIB, unused - Part 3

Introducing the cartoon accurate Dinobots!

As many collectors and fans would know, the USA releases of the Dinobots were not entirely cartoon accurate in terms of colour scheme. Three out of the five Dinobots had toys with cartoon accurate colour schemes - Grimlock, Sludge and Snarl. These are 'easy' to get.

USA released Slag toys are not cartoon accurate. Oddly, it is the Canadian released Slag (and only some of them at that), that were cartoon accurate with a red face and white upper legs. See here for a comparison between a USA released Slag and the famous 'Canadian Slag'.

Left - Canadian Slag; Right - regular USA released Slag

In a similar vein, USA released Swoop toys are not cartoon accurate either. This is time, it is not a foreign Transformer variant that is cartoon accurate, but the pre-Transformers Diaclone version of Swoop that is cartoon accurate.

Putting a Canadian Slag and a Diaclone Swoop with USA releases of Grimlock, Sludge and Snarl gives us.... cartoon accurate Dinobots!!!

Focusing on the stars, Canadian Slag and Diaclone Swoop


  1. That Canadian Slag is awesome! I had no idea that existed! It's beautiful!

  2. I love that Diaclone Swoop. He looks so much better w/ the blue chest.

    1. .... and the sharp beak... and the sharp wings... and the chromed gold parts... heehee

  3. Now this is something I can honestly say I have never seen before. Very awesome.

    1. hmmm... can't be dude. How can you not have seen these? =)

  4. Me likely, bonus points cause its the Dinobots :)

    1. it's the freaking Dinobots, the Autobots' last line of defence... until Omega Supreme arrived, that is...

  5. Simply the best!!!


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